
Angol nyelvű cím*
Ego Est
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Arsen Arakelyan
A film készítésének idején a rendező egyetemista volt.*
A rendező első filmje*
A rendező filmográfiája - rendezett filmek és a készítés éve ("n/a", ha nincs filmográfiája)*
South-Western A3; Svajyan 22/34 0105 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia Phone: + 374 10 721224 Cell: + 374 91 507621 E-mail: Professional Experience Arsen Arakelyan June 20, 1976 2015- present Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography Yerevan, Armenia Lecturer 2012-present Russian-Armenian University Yerevan, Armenia Lecturer and Director RAU TV 2004-2014 Armenian Public TV Yerevan, Armenia Director, “Armenian Question” Talk Show 2002-present Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute Yerevan, Armenia Lecturer of film directing 1995-2002 Yerevan State Dramatic Theatre Yerevan, Armenia Actor Films fictions 2020 ISLAND, 20 min, HD 2012 THE SUN IN OUR SOULS, 51 min, HD 2008 CHILO 30 min, HDV 2004 GAME 7 min, miniDV 2002 FORGIVE US 24min, Betacam SP 2000 COMMON INSTINCT 24 min, 35 mm 1998 MOTHER 10 min, VHS Films documentaries 2021 Creature "Man-collage", 10 min, HD 2020 IN SEARCH OF LAGHT, 36 min, HD 2018 Through The Mirror, 30 min, HD 2011 DASHTADEMI AMROTS 50min, HDV 2008 BAREKAMAVAN 37 min, DV CAM Prizes 2024 Los Angeles Acton/Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Thriller film festival winner best performances Los Angeles,USA 2021 International Film Festival "Salt of the Earth" Samara, Russia People's choice awards 2021 "Fresco" international festival contemporary art and spiritual and moral films Film laureate: "Creation-Man-Collage" - Best Message: "A Hero of Our Day" Yerevan, Armenia 2020 XVIII International Film Festival Orthodox cinema "Pokrov-2020" Diploma "For loyalty to tradition" Documentary film "In Search of Light" Kiev, Ukraine 2020 VI International Film and TV Film Festival "Saint Vladimir" second prize for the film "In Search of Light" Sevastopol 2020 XXIX International Film Forum "Golden Knight" film "In Search of Light" received a diploma from the jury for an interesting and convincing story about the reflections of priests who see in the pursuit of creativity and science the path to light and wealth of spirituality, which they preach to people in order to breathe hope into them and belief in moral values. Moscow, Russia 2020 XIV Open International Festival of Youth and the family film "Kino-Click". II degree diploma in the nomination "Fiction films 19-35 years old" Yaroslavl, Russia 2020 The 11th International Film Assembly Dnepr, Ukraine on the Dnieper 2020. Bronze diploma for film "In search of laght" 2019 VIII International Student Festival Almaty, Kazakhstan and debut films "Bastau" prize named Oraza Abisheva for Best Documentary film “Through the Mirror” 2019 Best non-fiction film "Through the Mirror" Ulyanovsk, Russia XI International Film Festival and family viewer behalf of V.M. Leontyeva "with all my heart" 2019 First Prize "Silver Lestvica" Dnepr, Ukraine 2018 “Best Director” for the film THROUGH THE MIRROR Pyatigorsk, Russia Film festival "New Vision" 1999 “Best Producer” for the film MOTHER San Giovanni Lupatoto International Festival Verona, Italy 1998 “Best Film” for the film MOTHER Santa Anna International Film Festival Moscow, Russia Festivals 2023 2022 THE XXXVI PÄRNU FILM FESTIVAL Pärnu, Estonia 2021 International Film Festival "Salt of the Earth" Samara, Russia 2021 Tashkent International Tashkent, Uzbekistan Film Festival "Pearl of the Silk Road" 2021 "Fresco" international festival contemporary art and spiritual and moral films Yerevan, Armenia 2021 XIX Dhaka International Film Festival. Dhaka, Bangladesh 2020 XIII Open All-Russian Festival documentary films "Salt of the Earth" Samara, Russia 2020 XVII International Charity Film Festival "Radiant Angel" Russia 2020 International Open Youth festival of television programs and films Telemania Moscow, Russia 2020 XIV Open International Festival of Youth and family film "Kino-Click" Yaroslavl, Russia 2020 XXV International Festival films and TV programs "Radonezh" Moscow, Russia 2020 XVIII International Film Festival Orthodox cinema "Pokrov-2020" Kiev, Ukraine 2020 XXIX International Film Forum "Golden Knight" Moscow, Russia 2020 VI International Festival cinema and television films "Saint Vladimir" Sevastopol 2020 23rd Religion Today Filmfestival Trento, Italy 2020 X International Youth Film Festival "Light to the World" Yaroslavl, Russia 2020 "Fresco" international festival contemporary art and spiritual and moral films Yerevan, Armenia 2020 The 11th International Film Assembly Dnepr, Ukraine on the Dnieper 2020. 2019 VIII International Student Festival Almaty, Kazakhstan and debut films "Bastau" 2019 XI International Film Festival and Ulyanovsk, Russia family viewer behalf of V.M. Leontyeva "with all my heart" 2019 Kazan International Festival Kazan, Russia muslim cinema 2019 The 10th International Film Assembly on the Dnieper. Dnepr, Ukraine 2019 Dadasaheb International Film Festival India, Dehli 2018 Documentary and Television Film festival "Kunaki Makhachkala, Russia 2018 Film festival "New Vision" Pyatigorsk, Russia 2018 IN-SHORT Film Festival, Lagos, Nigeria 2018 Film festival of freedom, experimental and sub-standard films "PURE" St. Petersburg, Russia 2018 Golden Apricot Yerevan Yerevan, Armenia 2015 International Festival of Independent Cinema “DEBOSHIR-FILM-15”. St.Petersburg, Russia 2010 IX International Kansk Video Festival Kansk, Russia 2009 2nd Sadho Poetry Film Festival New Dehli, India 2006 Alternativa International Film Festival Barcelona, Spain 2006 Overkill Film Festival, Internet broadcasting Overkil, The Netehrlands 2006 Milano International Film Festival Milano, Italy 2004 Berlinale Talent Campus Berlin, Germany 2000 Festivale Internationale Del Cortometraggio Siena, Italia Professional Membership and Jury 2015- 2018 Participated in many international conferences 2010 Member, Jury of the Golden Eye Film Festival, Tbilisi Georgia 2006 Member, Independent Filmmakers Association South Caucasus 2005 Member, National Cinema Centre of Armenia 1999 Member, Armenian Actors Union Education Associate Professor of Arts Yerevan, 2019 Ph.D., - Doctor of Arts National Academy of Science Yerevan, 2003 2000-2003 Institute of Arts, PhD-study Dissertation Thesis “The Problem of Hero in the Armenian Cinema” 2009 American Film Making Program Certificate of Achievement Philadelphia, Pensilvania, USA 1995-2000 Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Cinematography Diploma with honor Yerevan, Armenia 1983-1993 Secondary School Certificate Yerevan, Armenia Language English- bad, Russian - good, Armenian - excellent
Rendező fényképe (max. 2000x2000 pixel)*

+ Rendező

A film készítésének idején a rendező egyetemista volt.
A rendező első filmje
A rendező filmográfiája
Rendező fényképe


Arsen Arakelyan
Независимый Художник

+ Producer


Forgalmazó("n/a", ha nincs)

Arsen Arakelyan
Независимый Художник

Operatőr("n/a", ha nincs)

Zorik Sogomonyan

Animátor("n/a", ha nincs)

Tigran Baghinyan



Képek a filmből

Max. 2, max. 2000x2000 pixel*
Második kép

További információk

A film nyelve*
A felirat nyelve*


Csak digitális fájlformátumot fogadunk el.

Angol nyelvű rövid szinopszis*
Synopsis of the movie "EGO EST" ("This is me") One tries to find their real face, to find themselves, themselves real always, everywhere, at all times... Movie "Ego est", the main character of which is a man without any name, a man without any face, is dedicated to this difficult search. "Who am I?" is a question torturing the main character. In self-knowledge attempt he is trying different masks on without realizing that he is searching in the wrong place. "This is me" - EGO EST - the answer is found. Found in a very unexpected place. As one should LOOK INWARD, one should search IN THEMSELVES...
Román nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
Rezumatul filmului „EGO EST” („Acesta sunt eu”) Cineva încearcă să-și găsească chipul real, să se regăsească pe ei înșiși, real întotdeauna, oriunde, în orice moment... Filmul „Ego est”, al cărui personaj principal este un om fără nume, un om fără nicio față, este dedicat. la această căutare dificilă. "Cine sunt?" este o întrebare care chinuiește personajul principal. În încercarea de autocunoaștere, el încearcă diferite măști fără să-și dea seama că caută în locul greșit. „Acesta sunt eu” – EGO EST – se găsește răspunsul. Găsit într-un loc foarte neașteptat. Cum ar trebui să privești în interior, ar trebui să cauți ÎN EI...
Magyar nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
Rezumatul filmului „EGO EST” („Acesta sunt eu”) Cineva încearcă să-și găsească chipul real, să se regăsească pe ei înșiși, real întotdeauna, oriunde, în orice moment... Filmul „Ego est”, al cărui personaj principal este un om fără nume, un om fără nicio față, este dedicat. la această căutare dificilă. "Cine sunt?" este o întrebare care chinuiește personajul principal. În încercarea de autocunoaștere, el încearcă diferite măști fără să-și dea seama că caută în locul greșit. „Acesta sunt eu” – EGO EST – se găsește răspunsul. Găsit într-un loc foarte neașteptat. Cum ar trebui să privești în interior, ar trebui să cauți ÎN EI...
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