00:00:00:00 - 00:01:39:05 Unknown Imagine a world where technology has advanced beyond our wildest dreams. In this futuristic world. Humans are able to digitally create anything they want from the tiniest atom to the largest building. They can also project that consciousness into a digital body. 00:01:39:06 - 00:02:07:21 Unknown We see the sky is dark. And the wind is howling. He has no idea where he is. And he has lost all his memories. Slowly he walks through the sand. In search of something familiar in his mind. He knows that he is searching for something that will help him find his way back home. He feels like he is going in circles and that he will never find what he is looking for. 00:02:07:23 - 00:02:33:14 Unknown Suddenly, he sees a light in the distance and slowly walks towards it. The light is growing brighter and brighter until finally it reveals a structure in the distance. The structure seems to be a temple of some sort. He goes through it and looks around for any sign of what he is looking for. He begins to hear some voices and can't help but follow them to find out where they're coming from. 00:02:33:16 - 00:03:15:01 Unknown The voices lead him to where he sees himself. 00:03:15:03 - 00:03:19:22 Unknown In. 00:03:20:00 - 00:04:24:15 Unknown The. 00:04:24:17 - 00:06:16:14 Unknown Light. He's a dream. Returning. It is the dream time that makes us feel alive. And makes our heart ache faster. It is the dream of time that can only be seen when we close our eyes. It is also the dream of time that can only be seen when we open our eyes. Life is a dream of time. 00:06:16:16 - 00:06:53:19 Unknown I close my eyes. And am I need to be transported. To a world of my own creation. I can build anything and everything I can imagine. I can create the best version of myself. I can be whatever I want to be. And I can live in any kind of environment. But choose. It is a world where the impossible becomes possible. 00:06:53:21 - 00:07:30:00 Unknown Where you can be in the most beautiful places in the world.