00:05:01:09 - 00:05:02:17 Where is Teddy? 00:05:02:22 - 00:05:04:16 What a surprise! 00:05:05:10 - 00:05:07:02 I’m asking, where is Teddy? 00:05:09:07 - 00:05:10:24 I don’t know. Wasn’t Teddy with you? 00:05:10:24 - 00:05:12:19 No. 00:05:12:19 - 00:05:14:06 It’s been long since I heard him. 00:05:14:15 - 00:05:16:01 So Teddy must be somewhere playing on his own. 00:05:16:01 - 00:05:18:03 You were sitting here, didn't you watch him? 00:05:18:03 - 00:05:20:08 No, I’m watching a movie. I wasn’t paying attention. 00:05:20:24 - 00:05:21:24 Why? What’s wrong? 00:05:21:24 - 00:05:23:13 I called Teddy, but he didn't show up. 00:05:23:13 - 00:05:25:13 Well, what should I do? 00:05:25:13 - 00:05:29:20 Maybe you should leave him some food or something. When he get hungry, he’ll show up. 00:05:30:13 - 00:05:32:18 What if he went outside to play this late at night! 00:05:32:18 - 00:05:35:18 How could he have gone out? All the windows are locked! 00:05:35:22 - 00:05:38:02 Teddy must have found a place to hide again. 00:05:44:24 - 00:05:47:07 You didn't beat him, did you? 00:05:47:07 - 00:05:50:04 Unless you get yourself a fight you won't leave me alone. 00:05:50:04 - 00:05:53:04 Did you hit Teddy? When Teddy gets scared he’ll go and hide. 00:05:54:17 - 00:05:57:11 Go get some sleep. Let me watch my movie. 00:05:57:11 - 00:06:00:11 You’ve been in that room for so long you are getting crazy. 00:06:03:16 - 00:06:06:16 At least you could have given Teddy some food! 00:10:30:13 - 00:10:32:02 Teddy. 00:11:11:16 - 00:11:12:24 Teddy. 00:11:19:13 - 00:11:20:21 Teddy. 00:14:13:05 - 00:14:15:03 Pick up the phone, please! 00:14:41:01 - 00:14:42:15 Teddy. 00:16:37:03 - 00:16:38:17 Teddy. 00:16:47:06 - 00:16:48:20 Teddy. 00:16:59:24 - 00:17:01:13 Teddy. 00:17:01:13 - 00:17:02:15 Come here. 00:17:04:17 - 00:17:06:15 Teddy, come here to me.