00:00:18:20 - 00:00:21:07 V2, 1 Come on Donna. Come. 00:00:21:11 - 00:00:22:15 V2, 1 Hey. 00:00:22:20 - 00:00:24:12 V2, 1 Hi. 00:00:26:03 - 00:00:27:24 V2, 1 Hi. -Sit. 00:00:28:01 - 00:00:29:08 V2, 1 Come. 00:00:37:16 - 00:00:39:24 V2, 1 What a lesson, huh? 00:00:40:05 - 00:00:42:01 V2, 1 Totally. 00:00:53:22 - 00:00:55:22 V2, 1 How is Adi doing? 00:00:58:18 - 00:01:01:03 V2, 1 We broke up. -Why? 00:01:01:16 - 00:01:03:12 V2, 1 When? 00:01:03:19 - 00:01:05:15 V2, 1 Two months ago. 00:01:05:20 - 00:01:07:21 V2, 1 I didn’t know. 00:01:08:01 - 00:01:10:05 V2, 1 She fell in love with a man. 00:01:13:22 - 00:01:17:03 V2, 1 Anyone I know? Is he famous? 00:01:18:06 - 00:01:19:22 V2, 1 Here’s comes the boom. 00:01:23:20 - 00:01:25:06 V2, 1 Bastards. 00:01:30:11 - 00:01:34:03 V2, 1 My girlfriend panicked and flew to Athens. 00:01:36:00 - 00:01:37:18 V2, 1 Yes. -Wow. 00:01:37:19 - 00:01:39:16 V2, 1 It’s okay. 00:01:46:07 - 00:01:47:18 V2, 1 That’s enough. 00:01:47:23 - 00:01:49:19 V2, 1 Yeah. -It’s over. 00:01:49:24 - 00:01:51:14 V2, 1 Come Donna. 00:01:53:10 - 00:01:55:09 V2, 1 Bye. -Bye. 00:01:57:24 - 00:02:00:06 V2, 1 Girls, keep a high frequency. 00:02:00:06 - 00:02:01:20 V2, 1 Yes. -Yes. 00:02:37:05 - 00:02:38:10 V2, 1 What’s this? 00:02:38:13 - 00:02:40:19 V2, 1 Get up. Why are you sitting like that? 00:02:41:03 - 00:02:42:24 V2, 1 You’re twenty minutes late. 00:02:43:01 - 00:02:45:09 V2, 1 How do I get in? I’m not a member. 00:02:46:00 - 00:02:48:00 V2, 1 I forgot to tell you. -What? 00:02:48:03 - 00:02:50:15 V2, 1 Michael dropped out of the play. Zipi wants me to fill in. 00:02:50:18 - 00:02:52:16 V2, 1 Really? What happened? 00:02:52:20 - 00:02:55:03 V2, 1 He got into a tv show 00:02:55:11 - 00:02:57:19 V2, 1 but it was canceled because of the war. 00:02:57:21 - 00:02:59:14 V2, 1 He wanted to go back and she fired him. 00:02:59:15 - 00:03:01:04 V2, 1 He deserves it. -Yes. 00:03:08:16 - 00:03:10:07 V2, 1 Joy, I can’t do it. -What? 00:03:10:09 - 00:03:12:17 V2, 1 My body hurts. -So pay. 00:03:13:00 - 00:03:14:06 V2, 1 Okay. 00:03:14:09 - 00:03:17:01 V2, 1 I heard the first time is free? 00:03:27:02 - 00:03:28:22 V2, 1 Hey slut! -My god. 00:03:29:00 - 00:03:30:11 V2, 1 You’re crazy. 00:03:31:16 - 00:03:33:01 V2, 1 What’s up? 00:03:33:03 - 00:03:36:01 V2, 1 I’m good. You scared me with your stinky perfume. 00:03:36:06 - 00:03:38:01 V2, 1 You missed me, didn’t you? 00:03:38:23 - 00:03:40:15 V2, 1 Yes. 00:03:41:22 - 00:03:44:05 V2, 1 Crazy times, huh? 00:03:44:09 - 00:03:46:09 V2, 1 Yes. It’s horrible. 00:03:46:12 - 00:03:49:07 V2, 1 I volunteer with children from the south. I love it. 00:03:49:10 - 00:03:51:17 V2, 1 You know I love children. 00:03:52:00 - 00:03:55:03 V2, 1 Yes. -I have a music studio at home. 00:03:55:06 - 00:03:58:05 V2, 1 I’m studying electronic music so I have a studio. 00:03:58:07 - 00:04:00:15 V2, 1 Remember where the couch was? 00:04:00:18 - 00:04:03:13 V2, 1 So now it’s a studio. I’m studying music. 00:04:03:18 - 00:04:04:19 V2, 1 So... 00:04:05:10 - 00:04:06:24 V2, 1 That’s what I like to do. 00:04:07:05 - 00:04:09:16 V2, 1 Friends. Writing. Music. 00:04:12:22 - 00:04:14:21 V2, 1 So where is he? 00:04:15:00 - 00:04:16:12 V2, 1 On his way. 00:04:16:14 - 00:04:17:22 V2, 1 Really. 00:04:18:00 - 00:04:19:22 V2, 1 You work out together? 00:04:20:01 - 00:04:21:04 V2, 1 Yes. 00:04:21:07 - 00:04:23:16 V2, 1 Working on a play together? -Stop. 00:04:23:18 - 00:04:26:19 V2, 1 Do you read poetry together? Plays? 00:04:27:08 - 00:04:28:09 V2, 1 Sometimes. 00:04:28:10 - 00:04:30:13 V2, 1 Why are you in this gym? 00:04:30:15 - 00:04:32:07 V2, 1 Mine was shut down. 00:04:32:13 - 00:04:34:16 V2, 1 But you know I go here. 00:04:34:18 - 00:04:36:16 V2, 1 It’s my gym. -You never work out, Joy. 00:04:36:17 - 00:04:38:17 V2, 1 I do. It’s my gym. 00:04:39:07 - 00:04:41:01 V2, 1 Fine. I’ll go somewhere else. 00:04:41:04 - 00:04:42:21 V2, 1 Tell Michael 00:04:43:17 - 00:04:47:10 V2, 1 he’s about to lose jobs because of what he did. 00:04:47:16 - 00:04:49:14 V2, 1 Karma’s a bitch. 00:04:49:18 - 00:04:51:15 V2, 1 You should warn him. 00:04:51:21 - 00:04:55:09 V2, 1 He should pray. Clean the house or something. 00:04:55:18 - 00:04:57:08 V2, 1 Didn’t he just get fired? 00:04:57:09 - 00:04:59:05 V2, 1 No. -He will. 00:05:02:13 - 00:05:04:20 V2, 1 Do you love me? -Joy. Don’t ask that. 00:05:04:23 - 00:05:07:04 V2, 1 How much from 1 to 10? -Joy. 00:05:11:20 - 00:05:13:18 V2, 1 Crazy, huh? -I know. 00:05:13:23 - 00:05:16:18 V2, 1 Who cares? I’m not attracted to her anymore. 00:05:17:05 - 00:05:18:24 V2, 1 Great. -Right. 00:05:19:00 - 00:05:20:10 V2, 1 Good. 00:05:27:00 - 00:05:28:09 V2, 1 Stop. 00:05:28:24 - 00:05:30:08 V2, 1 Stop, Joy. 00:05:31:10 - 00:05:33:00 V2, 1 Stop it. 00:05:33:02 - 00:05:34:15 V2, 1 What are they doing? 00:05:34:22 - 00:05:37:24 V2, 1 He’s showing her how to lift weights. 00:05:38:05 - 00:05:40:15 V2, 1 Son of a bitch. He’s so gay. 00:05:40:19 - 00:05:41:23 V2, 1 So gay. 00:05:42:02 - 00:05:43:02 V2, 1 Tranny. 00:05:43:04 - 00:05:46:10 V2, 1 I feel nothing for her. 00:05:46:13 - 00:05:49:08 V2, 1 I swear. This thing is helping me heal. 00:05:49:11 - 00:05:51:13 V2, 1 I want to scream. 00:05:52:06 - 00:05:54:04 V2, 1 Good. -Okay. 00:05:54:06 - 00:05:56:02 V2, 1 Come back. -I’m coming. 00:05:56:05 - 00:05:57:21 V2, 1 Bye. -Bye. 00:07:05:15 - 00:07:07:19 V2, 1 Nice cock. 00:07:09:00 - 00:07:10:21 V2, 1 Yes. Normal kind. 00:07:17:04 - 00:07:18:12 V2, 1 How are you? 00:07:18:13 - 00:07:20:12 V2, 1 Fine. You know. 00:07:22:00 - 00:07:23:03 V2, 1 Very 00:07:23:23 - 00:07:25:07 V2, 1 lonely. 00:07:29:13 - 00:07:31:07 V2, 1 For a while now 00:07:31:17 - 00:07:33:15 V2, 1 I’ve wanted to talk to you. 00:07:34:12 - 00:07:36:04 V2, 1 But now I... 00:07:37:06 - 00:07:38:18 V2, 1 I don’t care anymore. 00:07:40:06 - 00:07:43:01 V2, 1 We don’t have to talk. 00:07:45:20 - 00:07:47:13 V2, 1 You’re so handsome. 00:07:49:17 - 00:07:51:01 V2, 1 Really. 00:07:52:17 - 00:07:55:12 V2, 1 You’re so pretty. You’re like... 00:07:55:20 - 00:07:57:04 V2, 1 Like a god. 00:07:58:02 - 00:08:00:10 V2, 1 Like a woman. 00:08:01:00 - 00:08:02:09 V2, 1 Really. 00:08:03:24 - 00:08:05:22 V2, 1 Even I’m attracted to you. 00:08:07:08 - 00:08:09:06 V2, 1 Your arms... 00:08:10:17 - 00:08:13:11 V2, 1 Why go to the gym? Look at these. 00:08:13:15 - 00:08:16:13 V2, 1 So much muscle you could explode. 00:08:16:20 - 00:08:18:17 V2, 1 Explode already! 00:08:23:00 - 00:08:26:02 V2, 1 I know what falling in love is. Okay? 00:08:27:01 - 00:08:30:16 V2, 1 You’re on stage. Horny. 00:08:30:19 - 00:08:32:19 V2, 1 It’s forbidden. Boundaries... 00:08:32:22 - 00:08:34:15 V2, 1 Sexual tension. 00:08:34:22 - 00:08:37:13 V2, 1 I fucking invented that. 00:08:37:24 - 00:08:41:04 V2, 1 That’s how I get girls, okay? 00:08:41:13 - 00:08:43:16 V2, 1 It doesn’t last. 00:08:44:06 - 00:08:46:20 V2, 1 It won’t last. It will end. 00:08:46:24 - 00:08:50:06 V2, 1 It’s hot. But not for long. 00:08:51:19 - 00:08:53:21 V2, 1 Because it doesn’t have... 00:08:54:24 - 00:08:56:11 V2, 1 It doesn’t. 00:08:57:02 - 00:08:58:18 V2, 1 I didn’t do anything wrong. 00:08:58:20 - 00:09:01:24 V2, 1 You devoured her with your look. 00:09:02:03 - 00:09:04:06 V2, 1 With those eyes. 00:09:04:16 - 00:09:07:11 V2, 1 You devoured her and I... Fine. 00:09:07:20 - 00:09:08:24 V2, 1 I don’t... 00:09:09:01 - 00:09:11:12 V2, 1 I don’t have eyes like yours. I don’t. 00:09:11:19 - 00:09:14:07 V2, 1 I don’t look like you. I don’t. 00:09:14:15 - 00:09:16:07 V2, 1 I don’t think that’s the issue, Joy. 00:09:16:17 - 00:09:19:13 V2, 1 You took my best friend away. Understand? 00:09:19:16 - 00:09:22:16 V2, 1 We had a home for 4 years and you just came 00:09:22:24 - 00:09:24:24 V2, 1 and took her and erased me. 00:09:25:02 - 00:09:26:20 V2, 1 You erased me. 00:09:26:22 - 00:09:28:15 V2, 1 It’s fine. 00:09:28:18 - 00:09:30:11 V2, 1 But... 00:09:30:23 - 00:09:32:16 V2, 1 It’s just... 00:09:49:07 - 00:09:51:02 V2, 1 Joy. 00:09:52:06 - 00:09:54:09 V2, 1 She likes dick. 00:10:07:09 - 00:10:10:04 V2, 1 I WANT TO BE 00:10:11:12 - 00:10:14:07 V2, 1 FREE 00:10:15:14 - 00:10:18:09 V2, 1 TO NOT DEPEND 00:10:19:14 - 00:10:22:00 V2, 1 ON LOVE 00:10:23:10 - 00:10:26:20 V2, 1 OR MONEY 00:10:27:05 - 00:10:29:17 V2, 1 OR A PLACE 00:10:30:17 - 00:10:34:04 V2, 1 THINGS I’VE SAID 00:10:34:13 - 00:10:37:16 V2, 1 SMALLER THAN ME TODAY 00:10:38:15 - 00:10:41:10 V2, 1 I WANT TO BE 00:10:42:18 - 00:10:45:13 V2, 1 FREE 00:10:46:20 - 00:10:49:15 V2, 1 TO NOT DEPEND 00:10:50:20 - 00:10:53:06 V2, 1 ON LOVE 00:10:54:00 - 00:10:57:15 V2, 1 I WANT TO BE 00:10:58:03 - 00:11:00:23 V2, 1 FREE 00:11:02:05 - 00:11:05:00 V2, 1 TO NOT DEPEND 00:11:06:05 - 00:11:08:16 V2, 1 ON LOVE 00:11:10:01 - 00:11:13:11 V2, 1 OR MONEY 00:11:13:21 - 00:11:16:23 V2, 1 OR A PLACE 00:11:18:00 - 00:11:21:14 V2, 1 THINGS I’VE SAID 00:11:21:24 - 00:11:25:05 V2, 1 SMALLER THAN ME TODAY