1 00:00:30,739 --> 00:00:33,700 Do you want I’ll make us breakfast? 2 00:00:34,534 --> 00:00:37,537 No, I’ll grab a quick snack. 3 00:00:39,831 --> 00:00:41,791 How did you sleep? 4 00:00:42,709 --> 00:00:45,670 I need to get used to this bed. 5 00:01:07,650 --> 00:01:10,779 Mom, I’m going out to buy cigarettes, do you need anything? 6 00:01:10,779 --> 00:01:12,363 Did you forget? 7 00:01:12,363 --> 00:01:15,033 You said you’ll help me with my errands 8 00:01:17,285 --> 00:01:19,746 I’ll be right back. 9 00:02:37,282 --> 00:02:40,326 Hey man! - Can you pass us the ball? 10 00:02:40,326 --> 00:02:42,287 Dude! - Can you get the ball? 11 00:02:42,287 --> 00:02:43,454 Why he is so lame? 12 00:02:43,788 --> 00:02:46,249 You piece of shit, give us the ball - Come on! 13 00:02:46,249 --> 00:02:47,584 Answer us you loser! 14 00:02:48,585 --> 00:02:51,045 Look I think he lives on the street. 15 00:02:51,045 --> 00:02:53,381 Bro, I think he is a first class homeless - Check out his clothes. 16 00:02:54,299 --> 00:02:55,842 Hey, you homeless! 17 00:02:55,842 --> 00:02:57,510 you 50 cents pouch! 18 00:03:02,140 --> 00:03:03,558 What did you say? 19 00:03:04,642 --> 00:03:05,768 Give it already 20 00:03:05,768 --> 00:03:07,103 Don’t be lame. 21 00:03:07,770 --> 00:03:08,730 Yes! 22 00:03:10,315 --> 00:03:11,900 What a dickhead. - You dumbface 23 00:03:11,900 --> 00:03:13,526 Give us the ball! - Gay! Gay! 24 00:03:13,526 --> 00:03:15,153 I Wish you’ll fall! - Neighbourly gay! 25 00:03:15,153 --> 00:03:16,863 Come on! - Give us the ball you moron! 26 00:03:30,877 --> 00:03:32,545 Do you want a pineapple? 27 00:03:33,588 --> 00:03:35,506 I don’t care. 28 00:03:35,882 --> 00:03:37,759 Niv, what’s up with you? 29 00:03:39,177 --> 00:03:41,012 I just don’t care if we’ll eat a pineapple or not, what’s the problem? 30 00:03:41,012 --> 00:03:43,514 You are grumpy ever since you got here 31 00:03:43,514 --> 00:03:46,893 You finally came for a visit, I though we’ll have... - Mom, I’m not grumpy! 32 00:03:46,893 --> 00:03:49,312 I Just don’t care if we’ll eat a pineapple. 33 00:03:54,609 --> 00:03:55,276 Niv! 34 00:03:55,276 --> 00:03:57,904 Champ! How are you? 35 00:03:57,904 --> 00:04:00,865 Ruti, How do you feel? - I’m good honey and you? 36 00:04:00,865 --> 00:04:02,367 You know, work. 37 00:04:02,700 --> 00:04:04,661 Good - So, do you still write songs? 38 00:04:05,620 --> 00:04:06,621 Poetry. 39 00:04:06,621 --> 00:04:07,747 Poetry... 40 00:04:07,747 --> 00:04:10,708 Did you know hw wrote a book? 41 00:04:15,129 --> 00:04:16,506 How pretty it is 42 00:04:16,631 --> 00:04:17,757 It looks like a real book! 43 00:04:17,757 --> 00:04:19,592 That’s a poem. 44 00:04:20,718 --> 00:04:22,929 Would you like to buy one? 45 00:04:23,721 --> 00:04:26,557 You also wouldn’t buy this book also if i wasn’t your son. 46 00:04:26,557 --> 00:04:29,936 Why not? you were friends, he should support you. 47 00:04:29,936 --> 00:04:31,938 We were never friends. 48 00:04:33,314 --> 00:04:36,276 What is this thief babbling about his prices? 49 00:04:36,276 --> 00:04:39,237 Everyone here are cheaper than him. 50 00:04:42,198 --> 00:04:45,159 OK, let’s go. I’ll drop you near your car. 51 00:06:30,681 --> 00:06:32,433 What are you looking at? 52 00:06:41,401 --> 00:06:44,695 Did you like our drawings? 53 00:06:56,082 --> 00:06:59,043 What a weirdo. 54 00:07:21,566 --> 00:07:24,527 Ori, Itay, Come! 55 00:08:13,659 --> 00:08:16,621 Let's keep this between us. OK? 56 00:08:16,621 --> 00:08:19,582 All good brother! 57 00:08:48,819 --> 00:08:51,072 Where have you been? 58 00:08:52,406 --> 00:08:54,659 Sorry. 59 00:09:03,292 --> 00:09:05,962 Why is there a kettle here? 60 00:09:06,629 --> 00:09:08,297 Huh? No... 61 00:09:08,297 --> 00:09:10,508 I didn't remember if you have one, so I brought mine with me. 62 00:09:10,508 --> 00:09:11,968 Just in case... 63 00:09:13,803 --> 00:09:16,472 Are you stupid? 64 00:09:24,647 --> 00:09:27,608 I missed this tortilla. 65 00:09:29,151 --> 00:09:30,570 Well... 66 00:09:30,987 --> 00:09:33,948 Tell me how is it going 67 00:09:34,282 --> 00:09:36,993 It's nice of them to approve you a vacation 68 00:09:36,993 --> 00:09:39,120 Actually... 69 00:09:40,496 --> 00:09:42,331 I don't work there anymore. 70 00:09:42,331 --> 00:09:43,457 What? 71 00:09:43,874 --> 00:09:45,251 How? 72 00:09:47,837 --> 00:09:50,381 I had a fight with the manager. 73 00:09:52,967 --> 00:09:55,761 But you know I can't always help you! 74 00:09:55,761 --> 00:09:57,888 I didn't ask for help! 75 00:09:57,888 --> 00:10:01,350 You asked me, so I told you! 76 00:10:01,350 --> 00:10:03,394 But how? 77 00:10:03,936 --> 00:10:06,897 Who quits a job before he finds a new one?! 78 00:10:10,484 --> 00:10:13,195 Is that why your’e so moody ? 79 00:10:13,195 --> 00:10:14,488 Because they fired you? 80 00:10:14,488 --> 00:10:16,449 Mom, first of all, I didn't got fired. 81 00:10:16,449 --> 00:10:18,242 OK? I quit. 82 00:10:18,242 --> 00:10:20,745 Oh, you quit. - Yes, I quit. and I'm sorry 83 00:10:20,745 --> 00:10:24,206 I'm not that excited to be stuck in this shithole! 84 00:10:24,749 --> 00:10:27,585 Why, did anyone forced you to come? 85 00:10:27,585 --> 00:10:28,878 If your'e such in pain 86 00:10:28,878 --> 00:10:31,088 Those sons of bitches - You are more than welcome to leave! 87 00:10:31,964 --> 00:10:33,132 Woah! Stop! 88 00:10:33,633 --> 00:10:34,967 Stop! Dude! 89 00:10:34,967 --> 00:10:36,594 Stop! 90 00:10:39,722 --> 00:10:41,515 Stop! 91 00:12:16,193 --> 00:12:19,155 It appears kids still come here to play. 92 00:12:20,364 --> 00:12:22,241 I think, when I was 8 93 00:12:22,241 --> 00:12:24,994 I buried here one of my action figures inside a shoebox 94 00:12:28,748 --> 00:12:31,959 I wanted to dig it out 10 years later 95 00:12:31,959 --> 00:12:34,920 To reminice on who I was. 96 00:12:34,920 --> 00:12:37,882 You always had these special ideas. 97 00:12:39,091 --> 00:12:42,052 I think I saw it on TV. 98 00:12:42,344 --> 00:12:44,472 It doesn't matter. 99 00:12:44,638 --> 00:12:46,098 Do you remember that one time 100 00:12:46,640 --> 00:12:48,809 Before Friday dinner. 101 00:12:48,809 --> 00:12:54,064 You put up a play about all of these Gods that fight eachother/ 102 00:12:56,567 --> 00:12:59,528 The God of fire did this, 103 00:12:59,528 --> 00:13:02,490 and the God of tree did that. 104 00:13:04,241 --> 00:13:09,789 I think I just tried to pass the time in this town. 105 00:13:12,291 --> 00:13:14,418 Did you took it out? 106 00:13:15,085 --> 00:13:16,128 What? 107 00:13:16,545 --> 00:13:18,464 The action figure. 108 00:13:21,509 --> 00:13:22,802 No. 109 00:13:34,772 --> 00:13:37,733 It's really quiet here.