IMPURE - Antonietta! - Hey, Peppino. - The tomatoes are ripe, they're ready. - They're ready? - We need to pick them. - When? Dunno, you tell me when's best for you. - Hey, kiddo. - Hi, Uncle Peppino. It's been cold, did you light a fire under your bed? - Did you? - Yeah. I sure did light a fire. What flavor is it? Strawberry. Gross! Lemme try. - Yummy! - Gimme some. Don't hog it up! Gimme some, I'm boiling. Pass it to me. Pass it! Kick it to me. Nice! Renata... wanna be my girl? No. No?! - Trollface! - Look who's talking. You have a mustache and you're flat as a board! You don't even know how to give a handjob. Mom... Renata! - Hi. Did you see your mom? - No, I was playing ball. - Did you win or lose? - I didn't win or lose. St. Lucy sure is beautiful. Do you like St. Lucy? She's an important saint. She healed lots of blind people, even people in the hospital. St. Lucy didn't want to marry the prince, she refused to. She wanted to be free... on her own. She gave him her eyes and sent him away. She didn't want to get married, she wanted to stay as she was... beautiful. Here's St. Lucy. - You can keep it. - Thanks. Do you know how to wink? - Give it a try. - I don't know how. Come on, lemme see. Renata... Wake up, it's time to go. Nanninella, get the bed ready Let's go rest Nanninella, get the bed ready Let's go rest... With one hand, I open the door With the other, I'm already in your arms With one hand, I open the door With the other, I'm already in your arms... Look at that girl, she's so good at making sauce, like a pro. She loves to help out and get her hands dirty. Such small tomatoes this year, wonder why. But look how beautiful they are. - Good morning, Renata. - Hi. Morning, kiddo. Don't touch the tomatoes, Renata! - Why? - Because you have your thing. - She's become a young lady? - Yes. You need to put some meat on those bones, you're too skinny for a little lady. - You're not... - Renata! You need to be careful now, kiddo. Some girls even make plants die. - You know? - It's true. They can make plants die... Mom... - So I can't help with the tomatoes? - No! Did you hear Aunt Rafelina? Want to spoil the sauce? We even have to throw away the tomatoes you picked. - How come Michela can help? - Michela's time will come too. Give her a year or two... It'll happen to her too, it happens to all girls. She can be such a handful... Darn her! Why are you so sad and blue? What happened? Wanna hear a nice story? An old man and an old woman from here went around selling lids and pans all year. One day they reached the shore... now quiet down and I'll tell you more. - Tell me more. - All right. An old man and an old woman from here went around selling lids and pans all year. One day they reached the shore... now quiet down and I'll tell you more. Tell me more, c'mon! An old man and an old woman from here... IMPURE