Csak digitális fájlformátumot fogadunk el.
- Angol nyelvű rövid szinopszis*
- Genís goes along with his older brother Martí to spend the afternoon with their friends, a group of teenagers from a small inland town. After being the victims of abuse by the group of the older generation, Martí’s group leaves the town, prepared to make mischief in a nearby farmhouse. There, they discover a nest of chicks, but things go wrong, and Genís discovers a different attitude from his brother.
- Román nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
- n/a
- Magyar nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
- n/a
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- info@distributionwithglasses.com
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