Csak digitális fájlformátumot fogadunk el.
- Angol nyelvű rövid szinopszis*
- The Hubauer family wakes up to an unusual Sunday. At first, everything goes smoothly, they go to church, have tea, and then suddenly the apartment is full of guests, because it's a special day. The father's brother, Miklós, was declared dead a year ago, as he never returned from Russian captivity. In order to make sure that he is really dead, the Hubauers resort to an occult ceremony, which holds quite a few surprises for those present.
- Román nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
- Dimineața de duminică pentru familia Hubauer decurge normal. Brusc casa lor seumple de oaspeți pentru un eveniment special. Fratele tatălui afost declarat mort în urmă cu un an, deoarece nu s-a mai întors din captivitatea rusă. Pentru ase convinge că este într-adevăr mort, în ciuda credinței lor, Hubauerii apelează la necromanţie.
- Magyar nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
- n/a
- A benevezőt kitöltötte
- Rendező
- Kapcsolattartó e-mail (az értesítő erre az e-mail címre lesz küldve)*
- gybbodorfoto@gmail.com
- Telefonszám
- 0036 70 224 4439
- Szabályzat
- Igen