Csak digitális fájlformátumot fogadunk el.
- Angol nyelvű rövid szinopszis*
- People say that in an indeterminate place of the Miño River, in the north of Galicia, a sardine-boy crosses the current at the end of the carnival festivities, leaving behind the people who celebrate his burial. It is unknown what causes his transformation, but it is said that the most watchful eyes can notice the moisture on his skin. Its existence is confirmed by the biggest sceptics. No one in the area has any doubts.
- Román nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
- n/a
- Magyar nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
- n/a
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- info@distributionwithglasses.com
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