Csak digitális fájlformátumot fogadunk el.
- Angol nyelvű rövid szinopszis*
- Given a portrait, who is responsible for the image we see, the painter or the subject? Ion was a rockstar of Ballet in Communist Romania. When we discuss the possibility of a shooting, Ion is initially overjoyed. He’s been dreaming that someday there’d be a film about him. But as things progress, he finds it hard to accept my approach. He questions my ability to make the film happen.
- Román nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
- "Despre imposibilitatea unui omagiu” îl are în centru pe Ion Tugearu, unul dintre cei mai mari dansatori și coregrafi români, denumit “prințul baletului românesc”. Și-a început cariera ca prim-solist ai Operei Naționale și a dansat pe cele mai importante scene ale lumii.
- Magyar nyelvű rövid szinopszis ("n/a", ha nincs fordítás)*
- NA
- A benevezőt kitöltötte
- Egyéb
- Kapcsolattartó e-mail (az értesítő erre az e-mail címre lesz küldve)*
- microfilm.romania@gmail.com, ilinca.belciu@gmail.com
- Telefonszám
- 0743 072 956
- Szabályzat
- Igen